Source code for pythonie.blueprints.database

"""Example of using signals to manage a database connection


import logging

import flask

import sqlalchemy

blueprint = flask.Blueprint("database", __name__)

# Set up the SQLALchemy table, this can happen elsewhere.
meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
table = sqlalchemy.Table("books", meta,
    sqlalchemy.Column("title", sqlalchemy.String(100)),
    sqlalchemy.Column("description", sqlalchemy.Text()),
engine = None  # A global reference to the engine, per-process.

[docs]def init_db(): """Creates the initial database connection Fired before the first HTTP request (to any part of the site). """ global engine engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(flask.current_app.config["DATABASE"]) meta.bind = engine meta.create_all()
[docs]def connect(): """Creates a per request connection and transaction """ flask.g.connection = engine.connect() flask.g.transaction = flask.g.connection.begin()
[docs]def disconnect(exception): """Commits or rolls back the transaction and disconnects """ try: if exception is not None: flask.g.transaction.rollback() else: flask.g.transaction.commit() flask.g.connection.close() except Exception: logging.exception("Problem closing the DB")
[docs]def index(): """List all the books in JSON To see in action go to """ query = results = flask.g.connection.execute(query) return flask.jsonify({ "books": [dict(row) for row in results] })
@blueprint.route("/add/", methods=["POST"])
[docs]def add(): """Add a new book via POST To see in action go to Note the use of methods in the decorator to only accept POST. :param title: The book's title :param description: The book's description """ # Tip: Use something like wtforms or colander for validation query = table.insert().values( title=flask.request.form["title"], description=flask.request.form["description"] ) flask.g.connection.execute(query) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for(".index"))